Judge Dredd Wiki
Judge minty by redbaz-d51663q

Judge Minty was an aging Mega City One Judge. He is known for having been one of the first to have taken The Long Walk into the Cursed Earth. Its been Indicated by the Film Judge Minty that Minty was infact not the first to do a Long walk because a skeleton of another Judge was discovered by him on his long walk.

Comic book Version

Due to his age his views start to change and he starts to think the people of the Mega City are not that terrible.  However, while on a mission with Judge Dredd he finds himself gun-to-gun with a small time thug.  Due to his reflexes not being as good as they used to be, the thug shoots first and Minty was hospitilised.  While laying in the hospital bed he Realised he was no longer fit to be a city Judge he decided to take The Long Walk out into the Cursed Earth to bring law unto the lawless. He encounters a small band of people in the Cursed earth he also has to deal with Radioactive dust storms.

Fan Film Version (Edmund Dehn)

Judge Minty gave his Justice

Judge Minty takes a rock and etches in the word Justice on this sign that originally greeted him when he entered the cursed earth it originally said "No Law" but Minty Avenges this Earlier fallen Judge.

As of May of 2013, there was a 27 minute fan film that was released based on this character.The character was portrayed by Edmund Dehn .The other Character was Judge Dredd but he had a minor supporting role. Also the actor portraying Judge Dredd was credited as Greg Staples. The Film covers his last day as a street Judge and the the Long Walk Ceremony then his first days in the cursed earth. He first walks by a sign that has a Judge head mounted on top that says "NO LAW 2000miles". In his first 2-3 days he realizes that he is being hunted by a gang of thugs, led by a psychic mutant. Fleeing from the gang he sets up a trap to lure some of the gang members in. Killing off two thugs that fall to his prey (one of which turns out to be a young blonde girl), the rest of the gang finally gets on his tail with their leader shown to be enraged by the death of the girl. Using the cover of smoke bullets he is able to flee and lead the gang into an abandoned settlement. There he encounters a band of deadly creatures called Gila Munjas. The creatures are reluctant to stir trouble with judges and as they are not sure if he is alone they allow Judge Minty to back off unharmed, while setting an explosive trap for the gang. When the gang finally arrives they trigger the trap, simultaneously rousing the Gila Munjas to attack them. The creatures quickly finish off the common thugs while Judge Minty slips away from the settlement. The Psychic leader of the thugs offers the creatures formidable resistance with his powers, killing 4 of them, but eventually has his belly sliced open and falls to the ground. In the following morning Judge Minty finds the last of the thugs (who is wearing a costume resembling that of Napoleon Bonaparte) crawling away from the settlement injured. He pleads for his life saying "I had no choice!" Judge Minty answers "Me neither" and the scene ends with a gunshot fading to black. In the final scene Judge Minty returns to the sign he passed in the beginning and replaces the initial text with "JUSTICE 2000miles" Its possible the short film will be part of a series and that more Judge Minty episodes could be released in the year in 2014 .[1].


See also
